
KORENS is working continuously on research and development to create anenvironmentally sustainable future.


EGR System use heat exchange between a portion of engine exhaust gases and cooling wate to lower the temperature of the gases, then supplies them to the combustion chamber to decrease the production of nitrogen oxide.

Nitrogen oxide is released when fuel is burned at industrial sites or as part of automobile exhaust gases, and is usually released as air pollution in the form of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It reacts photochemically with sunlight, producing micro-dust and ozone, and through contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, etc., it can cause chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumorrhagia, and pulmonary edema. - As automobiles age, carbon sedimentation accumulates inside the cooler and the heat exchange performance of the cooler falls, causing increased emissions of nitrogen oxide.

What if the EGR systems in the approximately 1.1 million cars that are
10 years or older were replaced (based on 12-13 year old vehicles)?

The effect of planting approximately 200 million trees,
a forest of around 45,600Ha in area

The entire area of Jirisan National Park
Environmental rehabilitation expected

With an annual average of 20,000km of driving,
nitrogen oxide is reduced by 44%

The effect of planting
Approximately 196 trees per year

Connect to life through Technology

Installing EGR Systemin diesel vehicles to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions

A test of replacing aged EGR systems

Working toward a better future and a cleaner planet.


Nitrogen oxide
Based on new car emissions standards


Before replacement
EGR system with 330,000 km of driving


After replacement
using a new EGR System

Expected results of replacement tes* Assuming identical reduction in emissions

The amount of nitrogen oxide
absorbed annually by a single tree

11g /year

After replacement of the EGR system
when driving an average of 20,000km per year

A reduction of 2,160g /year


The effect of planting approximately 196 trees