
CEO Compliance Message

We will achieve sustainable growth
based on compliance and ethical business management.

We will pursue sustainable growth by seeking to build a future and contribute to humankind on a foundation of pioneering technology. Furthermore, requirements for transparent management and fairness and fundamental in the global market. Compliance has become a central requirement that global competitiveness depends on.

Compliance management means working to abide by laws and international agreements in a variety of areas such as fair competition, the environment and safety, and the protection of information.

Recently, the ESG perspective has become stronger and is developing into an overall movement to prevent violations of law, reflecting the requirements which are a product of mutual agreements and communication.

KORENS is working to protect free and fair competition and to pursue mutual benefit on a basis of trust. We are working to revise and systematize our existing compliance mechanisms by 2023, and are continuously expanding their scope of application.

We will ensure individual ethical compliance and fulfill our social responsibilities while creating value using pioneering technology, and we will achieve sustainable growth.

Thank you.