Smart Factory

Beginning with the construction of a smart factory in 2016,
KORENS has instituted advanced processes such as an ESG control center, digital twins, etc., representing a successful example of smart factory creation.

Current Status of Smart Factory Construction

ESG Control Center

The ESG Control Center’s
efficient smart operations

Establishing an ESG Control Center in 2021 and introducing AI are among the continuous efforts we’ve made to pursue efficient smart operations. In the future we will continue to pursue smart operations in all processes from production to distribution, in order to become a leading Korean heat management system specialist enterprise.

Smart Factory vision

We’re making continuous efforts to develop even better,
world-class smart factory operationsthrough 4th industrial
revolution-based unmanned distribution automation and
big data-based processes,
and we are sharing the results of
our efforts through a variety of activities such as support and
consulting on smart factory creation for regional companies
on the basis of our varied experience.

As a major example of activities,
for the past five years, we have provided a tour
of our smart factories to various companies,
universities, and institutions, including Samyang Co.,
Ltd., LIG Nex-One, Inje University, Chung-Ang University,
Smart Electronics, Ajin Industrial, DMTech,
and Korea SMEs and Startups Agency.

In this way, we’re not only using the varied experiences of
our plentiful human resources to help support greater growth,
we’re also working toward the promotion and
expansion of smart factory facilities at Korean manufacturing
companies to contribute to national industrial development.